Strategic Design

Copyright: Volkswagen AG

UX Strategy commercial Vehicle API

Company: Volkswagen Group Services GmbH
Role: Strategic Designer & Product Manager
Countries: Germany

As a Strategic Designer my role was to support a product team working on a highly technical commercial API development to create the best possible user experience not only for the direct users of the API, but also for all the stakeholders participating in the awareness, procurement, integration and usage phase.

Our goal was to approach the development of an API not as a purely technical challenge, but to answer the question - How can we make make the whole lifecycle of this technology as enjoyable and easy to use for all the involved parties?

More to come.

I am currently working on documenting my past projects. Feel free to explore the Résumé section of the page for for an overall overview of my professional road so far and don’t be shy to get in touch with me should you have any questions.